Big Sunday happily welcomes you to Our Really Big Community Calendar

We try to include all kinds of volunteering and helping opportunities for all kinds of interests, talents, passions, and ages! As you’ll see, these include volunteering opportunities (one-time and long-term) as well as the chance to support a nonprofit by attending fundraising events. Plus, of course, we include all of Big Sunday’s homegrown events, too! Whoever you are, and whatever you do, there is someone out there who could use your help.

If you have questions about our calendar, or would like to add a listing, please contact [email protected] or submit your event/opportunity via the button below.

Big Sunday Event Giving Opportunity! One-time Volunteer Opportunity Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
21 Sat
I Have a Dream Foundation
I Have a Dream Foundation
May 21 all-day
 Your volunteer work at “I Have a Dream” Foundation – Los Angeles (IHADLA) will make a difference in the lives of underprivileged youth in Los Angeles. Volunteers tutor, coach, read to our students (“Dreamers”), chaperone field[...]
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9:00 am Peace 4 Kids
Peace 4 Kids
May 21 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
HOW YOU CAN VOLUNTEER AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A CONNECTION Each year, our volunteers contribute 5000+ hours, accounting for almost 80% of our services. If you're interested in promoting peace in the lives of[...]
10:00 am Nothin’ but Sand @ Different L.A. County beach each month. Check RSVP page for specific dates/locations
Nothin’ but Sand @ Different L.A. County beach each month. Check RSVP page for specific dates/locations
May 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Our monthly all-ages beach cleanup bonanza, 10 a.m. to noon on the third Saturday of every month except December. Beach cleanups are a great experience for you and your family, friends and co-workers to get[...]
10:00 am Second Chances Leadership Program @ USC Social Sciences Building, RM B52
Second Chances Leadership Program @ USC Social Sciences Building, RM B52
May 21 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Second Chances Leadership Program was designed to build and develop the self-confidence, life and leadership skills of youth through interactive learning, in-class discussions, presentations, panels, workshops, and exploratory field-trips. Upon conclusion, participants will be able[...]

How it Works

You can SEARCH by scrolling through the Months or by selecting different Categories or Tag functions. For a totally different view, try the Posterboard or Stream options! Feel free to submit an item for the calendar by clicking the “Submit Your Event / Opportunity” button above at the right-hand side of the page. Questions? Email [email protected].