Big Sunday happily welcomes you to Our Really Big Community Calendar

We try to include all kinds of volunteering and helping opportunities for all kinds of interests, talents, passions, and ages! As you’ll see, these include volunteering opportunities (one-time and long-term) as well as the chance to support a nonprofit by attending fundraising events. Plus, of course, we include all of Big Sunday’s homegrown events, too! Whoever you are, and whatever you do, there is someone out there who could use your help.

If you have questions about our calendar, or would like to add a listing, please contact or submit your event/opportunity via the button below.

Big Sunday Event Giving Opportunity! One-time Volunteer Opportunity Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
End of the Month Club @ Big Sunday
Feb 17 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Every month, Big Sunday sponsors a food drive to collect food for a local food pantry or nonprofit organization.  This month, we are collecting pasta and sauce for Alexandria House, a house of hospitality for women and children in need and a neighborhood center for education, advocacy and action. The food can be dropped off at Big Sunday starting today through Feb. 17 at 11 am.  Wanna help sort the collected food?  Stop by the Big Sunday office between 10 and 11 am on Feb. 17EOTMC.  We’d love for you to pitch in!  

A Month of Big Sundays @ Varied locations throughout California (please check website for details)
May 1 – Jun 1 all-day

For years, Big Sunday Weekend—an incredible three-day festival of helping each May—has been our signature (and largest) event.  In 2015, thousands of volunteers turned out—some as individuals, others with their families, still others as part of a class, church, synagogue, mosque, business or club—to lend a hand at hundreds of different projects from San Diego to San Francisco, making Big Sunday Weekend one of the largest regional community service events in America. In 2016, Big Sunday Weekend is expanding to A Month of Big Sundays. After 17 years, we’ve simply grown too big to contain everything in one weekend.

In May 2016, Big Sunday is hosting and/or sponsoring special events every single day of the month. Now we can take on even bigger projects, reach more people, make new alliances, and more easily fit in with everyone’s (and every organization’s) busy schedules. We’ll still have all kinds of events for every kind of passion and every type of talent. If you are at a school, faith group or business making your 2016 calendar now, please set aside any day during May 2016 and know that we’ll find a project that’s both impactful and fun for you to do. If you want to host a project, please select any day during May. Of course, we’ll still be bringing people together from all walks of life in the name of making the world a better place. For many people, A Month of Big Sundays (formerly Big Sunday Weekend) is just the beginning of an involvement that continues throughout the year.  In the meaJonathan Leentime, if you have any questions or suggestions, please visit

Big Sunday’s 1st-ever Mother’s Day Party @ Big Sunday
May 8 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Join us for our first-ever Mother’s Day Party! It will be a great time for anyone who is a mom, has a mom, or knows a mom. We’ll be making cards and gifts for moms who are shut-ins and doing special collections for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, and m2m (Mother 2 Mother) which helps women with AIDS in Africa. We’ll also be collecting new and gently used baby clothes for an orphanage in Central America. All ages are welcome. For more info, please email To participate in this special event, click HERE.

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Spa Day for Seniors @ Sunset Hall
Aug 9 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Who doesnt love to be pampered? Join Big Sunday as we host a relaxing spa day. We will be providing manicures and nail desings along with parting gifts that awill allow the seniors to upkeep their new nails. If you love nail polish and all things spa, this project is for you!

Books ‘n Brunch @ Big Sunday
Sep 17 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Join us for out 5th annual fall book collection. By special request, we're collecting all kinds of new and gentley used books for all kinds of grateful nonprofits. Help us sort and box the books. Then, Stick around as we all enjoy a delicious and friendly brunch!

Valentine-Making, Bingo-Playing, Community Dinner @ Big Sunday
Feb 11 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

At Big Sunday, we want to make sure no one is forgotten on Valentine's Dy. So, once again, we're gathering tins of niice people to make cards and gift bags for thousands of shut-ins and people who are ailing or facing a tough time. And once again, we'll be joined by lots of folkswho can use a lift for Valintine's Day too. By the wat, if you want to help later that week to deliver the Valentine's, we could use your help then, too!

Big Sunday Cookout and Movie Night @ Big Sunday
Jun 24 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for Big Sunday’s 3rd Annual Get-Ready-For-Summer Cookout & Movie Night! By special request, we’ll be collecting donations of beach items (towels, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.) for The Boys and Girls Clubs of Hollywood and Santa Clarita Valley, then enjoying a delicious cookout and a special screening of Monsters, Inc. with friends new and old! In classic Big Sunday fashion, everyone’s job is to meet at least one new person.

Please help us by bringing at least one new beach or summer item for kids in need. Want to bring more? Great, and thanks – just let us know.

How it Works

You can SEARCH by scrolling through the Months or by selecting different Categories or Tag functions. For a totally different view, try the Posterboard or Stream options! Feel free to submit an item for the calendar by clicking the “Submit Your Event / Opportunity” button above at the right-hand side of the page. Questions? Email